How to Convert a C# Class Library to a .NET MAUI Class Library While Preserving the Git Source Control History

Converting a C# class library to a .NET MAUI class library while preserving the Git source control history involves several steps. Below, I’ll guide you through the process:

Step 1: Backup Your Repository

Before making any changes, it’s good practice to create a backup of your repository to avoid any potential loss of data.

git clone <your-repo-url> <backup-repo-url>

Step 2: Create a New Branch

Create a new branch in your current repository to make the changes. This way, you can always revert to the original state if needed.

git checkout -b convert-to-maui

Step 3: Update Project File

You will need to update the .csproj file of your C# class library to convert it to a .NET MAUI class library. Here’s a basic example of what the updated .csproj might look like:

  1. Locate and open the .csproj file of your class library.
  2. Update the <Project Sdk> line:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


  1. Add any necessary MAUI-specific references.

Step 4: Update Code for MAUI Compatibility

MAUI might require certain changes in code, especially if you are using any platform-specific features. Refactor your code as necessary to be compatible with MAUI.

Step 5: Install MAUI NuGet Packages

Make sure you install MAUI-related NuGet packages if required. You can do this via the NuGet Package Manager or by modifying the .csproj file.

dotnet add package Microsoft.Maui.Controls

Step 6: Ensure Cross-Platform Code

Make sure that your code is cross-platform. Test it on different target platforms (Android, iOS, macOS, Windows) to confirm functionality.

Step 7: Build and Test

Build the solution to ensure there are no errors and run tests to verify everything works correctly in the new MAUI class library format.

dotnet build
dotnet test

Step 8: Commit and Push Your Changes

Once everything is working fine, commit your changes and push them to the repository.

git add .
git commit -m "Converted C# class library to .NET MAUI class library"
git push origin convert-to-maui

Step 9: Merge to Main Branch

Create a pull request to merge your changes from the convert-to-maui branch to your main branch. Review, approve, and merge the pull request once all checks pass.

Optional Step: Remove Backup

If everything is working fine and you have verified that your history and everything else is correctly preserved, you can delete the backup you created initially.

Following these steps will convert your C# class library to a .NET MAUI class library while preserving the Git source control history.