Build a Complete AI SaaS Platform with Next.js, TypeScript, ShadCN, Stripe | Full Course 2024

Hi all 👋 In this 5 hour tutorial, you will learn how to create an end-to-end full stack AI SaaS app that converts your video into a Blog Post in seconds with the power of AI! This app is built with the Next.js 14 App Router, Clerk for Auth – with Passkeys, Github and Google Sign in, React, OpenAI – Whisper API, ShadCN UI library for components, React Markdown, NeonDb for databases, UploadThing, Stripe for payments, Webhooks, TypeScript, TailwindCSS and more.

🌟 Be sure to checkout Clerk here:

🚀 Full Source Code on Github + Free cheatsheet to accompany the tutorial with all the links and visuals:

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Key features:
– 🌐 Next.js 14 App Router & Server Actions
– 🤖 OpenAI API for audio transcription and blog post generation
– 🔐 Authentication with Clerk (Passkeys, Github, and Google Sign-in)
– 📝 AI-powered blog post generation based on audio transcription
– 💳 Stripe integration for payments and subscription management
– 💾 NeonDb for database management
– 📤 UploadThing for file uploads
– 🎙️ Audio and video file processing (up to 25MB)
– 📜 TypeScript for type safety
– 💅 TailwindCSS for styling
– 🎨 ShadCN UI library for beautiful components
– 🔒 Secure file handling and processing
– 🪝 Webhook implementation for Stripe events
– 💰 Stripe integration for custom pricing table, payment links, and subscriptions
– 📊 User dashboard for managing blog posts
– 🖋️ Markdown editor for blog post editing
– 📱 Responsive design for mobile and desktop
– 🔄 Real-time updates and path revalidation
– 🚀 Deployment-ready (likely for Vercel)
– 🔔 Toast notifications for user feedback
– 📈 Performance optimizations
– 🔍 SEO-friendly blog post generation
– 📊 Recent blog posts display
– 🔐 Protected routes and API endpoints
– 📱Full mobile responsiveness
– 🛬 Landing page 🛬
– 🚀 Deployment on Vercel

#nextjs #react #javascript #ai #typescript #saas

⏰ Timeline
00:00 – What will you learn?
2:36 – App Demo
9:12 – Landing Page Build
1:12:53 – Complete Authentication with Clerk
1:38:51 – Payments and Checkout experience using Stripe
2:05:00 – Building a Serverless Database with NeonDb
2:18:05 – Connecting Next.js to NeonDb
3:11:06 – Mastering File Uploads with UploadThing
3:19:21 – Transcribing Audio and Generating Blog post with OpenAI
4:56:12 – SEO implementation
4:59:51 – Get your app ready for Prod & App Deployment

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@joshtriedcoding @codewithantonio and @t3dotgg for Thumbnail inspiration!

This video is kindly sponsored by Clerk.