Build a Fullstack Calendly Clone with Next.js

In this tutorial, we are going to build a Calendly clone using Next.js 14, Tailwind, React, and the Nylas API. This is a great tutorial if you want to build a more advanced project involving date and time manipulation, timezones, APIs, external authentication, and more.

Source code:

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00:00:00 – Intro
00:04:01 – Landing page / Homepage
01:04:00 – Authentication
01:48:11 – Dashboard
02:09:10 – Event types (form)
02:58:54 – Saving and deleting event types
04:51:13 – Adding profile / username form
05:33:49 – Booking page
06:05:01 – Calendar buttons & time buttons
07:50:11 – Booking form
08:37:13 – Sending event to user’s calendar
08:57:56 – Checking availability inside users calendar
09:34:49 – Preloaders & listing booked events
09:53:38 – Fixing bugs & deployment
10:08:38 – Outro