Build and Deploy a React Admin Dashboard With Real time Data, Charts, Events, Kanban, CRM, and More

Build an admin dashboard with full authentication, a homepage displaying charts and activities, a comprehensive table for companies with CRUD and search, and a Kanban board with real-time synchronization using Refine Framework.

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Time Stamps πŸ‘‡
00:00:00 β€” Intro
00:04:33 β€” Create Refine Project
00:07:39 β€” Refine Dev Tools
00:09:48 β€” Remove unnecessary files
00:10:45 β€” Data provider setup
00:29:44 β€” Auth provider
00:34:02 β€” Workflow setup
00:36:41 β€” Initial routes demo
00:40:39 β€” Update login
00:42:49 β€” App routes and layout setup
01:33:04 β€” Home deals and upcoming events
02:15:49 β€” Latest activities and total count cards
02:52:53 β€” Company list page
03:12:24 β€” Create company
03:29:25 β€” Company edit
03:47:34 β€” Kanban board
05:11:04 β€” Kanban task create
05:18:45 β€” Kanban task edit
05:28:26 β€” Deployment