Learn NextJS 13 Intercepting Routes and Server Components by Building a Full-Stack Ecommerce App

In this video, we are going to learn an amazing new feature of Next.js13 App Dir, how to intercept routes alongside some server components, and build a really cool project and deploy it.

— Features
Building e-commerce project with Next.js 13.4
Focus on parallel routes and interception
Intercepting routes, retaining user data, displaying modals
Addressing bugs with latest Next.js version
Simple project, Fakestore API for product data
Server components for rendering page sections
Tailwind CSS for styling, optimizing images
TypeScript for enhanced type safety
Dynamic product pages, images, and routing
Implementing star rating system
Deploying app on Vercel
Using variable fonts and dynamic routing

— Project links
⭐ GitHub repository (leave a star if you’d like): https://github.com/lukef7fywmrp/ecommerce-app-dir-updated
⭐ Intercepting Routes : https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/intercepting-routes
⭐ My GitHub: https://github.com/lukef7fywmrp
⭐ Discord: https://discord.gg/dAGrxmjCMq