WordPress Headless CMS, GraphQL, and Nextjs – Let’s Build a Blog

Wordpress, GraphQL, and Next.js….oh my!! Did you know you can use Wordpress as a Headless CMS for your Jamstack applications? Wordpress often gets a bad reputation in modern Web Development, but it still plays a major role in the Web ecosystem. With the WPGraphQL plugin, you can use your Wordpress instance as a Headless CMS and access your data in Next.js using GraphQL.

Host Wordpress with Hostinger.
EXCLUSIVE COUPON (90% off) – https://www.hostinger.com/james

Wordpress + Nextjs Starter – https://github.com/colbyfayock/next-wordpress-starter

Colby Fayock YouTube (Community Shoutout) – https://youtube.com/channel/UC7Wpv0Aft4NPNhHWW_JC4GQ


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