.net maui mongodb beautiful FULL STACK todo APP in 60 minutes | Cross Platform

Developer Rog

Build a cross platform full stack application with MongoDB Atlas (online database) and MongoDB Realm (offline db, and sync-software). Realm, by itself, can also be used as an alternative to SQlite.

You will learn how to:
– Set up authentication
– Set up online database
– Set up offline database with automatic online sync
Build a beautiful todo app

0:00 App walkthrough
0:33 App in offline mode
1:50 Set up development environment
2:07 Create new MAUI project
3:07 Add Nuget Packages
4:17 Continue create App files
7:49 Create TODO Model and continue build app
12:26 Create MongoDB ATLAS account
18:26 Continue building app
43:19 Design the Dashboard page
59:10 Debug possible sync error (if it occurs)!
1:01:24 Test if the app writes to database
1:02:43 Check online sync



Build an easy full stack app without firebase, is that possible? This is an amazing alternative to Firebase, you can build very much with little code!