Next js 13 project – Google clone (next.js 13, tailwind css 3, google search api, app router)

Have you ever wanted to create your own search engine? A platform that could rival the biggest names on the web, like Google or Bing? With Next JS 13 and Tailwind CSS, you have all the tools you need to create your own search engine that can search the web and images, and even show the user’s country in the footer.

Next JS 13 is a powerful React framework that makes building fast and dynamic web applications easier than ever. And with Tailwind CSS, you can easily create beautiful and responsive user interfaces.

With Next JS 13 and Tailwind CSS, you can create a search engine that looks and works just like Google, with the added ability to search for images.
In addition, you can even show the user’s country in the footer of your search engine, giving users a more personalised experience.

Next JS 13 introduced the App Router, which uses new file conventions to easily create pages, shared layouts, and templates. With this approach, you can organise your code in a way that is easy to understand and maintain, making it simple to scale your search engine as needed.

Next JS 13 also introduced a new way to fetch and manage data in your application. The new data fetching system works in the app directory and is built on top of the fetch Web API. With this new system, you can easily fetch data and manage it within your application, without having to worry about complex state management.

But that’s not all. Next JS 13 also introduced a new file convention, loading.JS, to help you create a meaningful loading UI.

With this convention, you can show an instant loading state from the server while the content of a route segment loads.

The new content is automatically swapped in once rendering is complete, giving your users a smooth and seamless experience.

You can also create an error UI by adding an error.JS file inside a route segment which allows you to gracefully handle runtime errors in nested routes.
Using Next JS 13 and Tailwind CSS, you can easily build your own search engine that can handle millions of users, with fast and efficient data fetching and meaningful loading UI.

So what are you waiting for? Start building your own search engine today with Next JS 13 and Tailwind CSS, and learn all the new features introduced by Next JS 13 with a hands-on project.

Source code:

00:00 – Intro
2:44 – Install next js and create the first template
32:10 – Install tailwind css
45:11 – Add home header component
1:11:05 – Add body section
2:11:17 – Add footer component
2:47:59 – Create search page for web and image
3:00:50 – Update the search header component
3:25:14 – Complete the search box component
4:00:25 – Complete the search header options
4:25:33 – Fetch data from google search API and show the titles
4:48:35 – Handle possible errors
5:05:03 – Create search result component
5:40:30 – Add image results
6:10:24 – Add pagination component
6:48:39 – Add loading effects for web and image pages
7:14:11 – Deploy to Vercel