Part – 1 Lets Build Fullstack Hotel Booking App with Blazor SSR – .Net 8 | Complete Course by Abhay

In this course – we are going to build Complete Fullstack Hotel Booking Web App with Blazor SSR in .Net 8 with Stripe Payment Integration
This is Part 1 of this course

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Part – 2
Part – 3

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UI Html Template

00:00:00 Overview
00:05:24 Project Demo
00:28:30 HTML Template Integration
00:42:47 Extracting Reusable Razor Components
01:20:03 Entities, Db Migration & Seed Service
03:03:27 Login & Register User
03:59:15 Role Based Navbar Menu Items
04:12:43 Manage Amenities – CRUD
06:25:46 Manage Room Types – CRUD

Blazing Hotel by Abhay Prince
Blazing Hotel – Hotel Booking Web App by Abhay Prince
Complete Full Stack Hotel booking Web App with Blazor in .Net 8
Complete Realworld Project using Asp.Net Core Blazor 8 with SSR
Blazor Static Server Side Rendering | Blazor SSR
QuickGrid in Blazor 8
Enhanced Navigation in Blazor 8
Enhanced Forms in Blazor 8
Image Preview and Image Upload with Blazor in .Net 8
Identity Authentication and Role Based Authorization in new blazor
Admin Panel blazor
Create a complete app using new blazor in .net 8
Stream Rendering in Blazor
Streaming Rendering with Blazor SSR in .Net 8
Stripe Payment Integration in Blazor
Booking app in Blazor
Blazor WebAssembly
Blazor WASM
Blazor Server
Blazor Static SSR
Asp.Net Core Identity in Blazor
Login Register in Blazor

If you like my work and want to support me, buy me a coffee

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