Suncel Headless Next.js CMS + Flowbite Blocks Crash Course


Let’s build and deploy a website using the Flowbite Blocks library and Suncel CMS. Thanks to this crash course, in less than one hour you’ll be able to create your home page, a pricing page, an article page, and also deploy it on Vercel.

00:00 – Flowbite Introduction
01:57 – Create a project on Suncel CMS
05:55 – Install the Suncel/UI package with Flowbite blocks
07:44 – Create the homepage
17:02 – Create a pricing page
19:04 – Create an article page
24:33 – SEO Module
27:55 – The concept of Blocks
30:47 – Understanding Globals
32:17 – Adding Header and Footer
47:15 – Deploy on Vercel

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Create an account on:
2. Create your project and install the Suncel/UI package with Flowbite blocks
3. Use existing blocks or create your own editable blocks (feel free to ask some help on the Suncel Discord if needed)
4. You can also check out the Flowbite Blocks collection for extra content:

You can learn more about Suncel and Flowbite at the official website below:

🌐 Suncel CMS: – Headless CMS using Next.js
📚 Flowbite Library: – Open-source components built with Tailwind CSS
🎨 Flowbite Figma: – Design system built for Figma
🧱 Flowbite Blocks: – Building sections for website and applications
💎 Flowbite Pro: – A larger collection of the open-source version of the latter three

#flowbite #tailwind #nextjs #cms #webdev #coding #figma #react #development #ui #ux #frontend